Ron Majiros
Work Experience Career Highlights
Non Profits
As one of the founding Directors of a Botanical Garden in Tennessee, Ron continues to serve on the Board and as the Chief Administrative Officer of the organization. Ron is a four-time recipient of the Presidents Volunteer Service Award and donates hundred's of hours to charities and other causes each year.
Environmental Protection
In the 30 years following the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989, Ron as worked with state, federal and private partners to preplan and exercise protection strategies for the most sensitive environmental and economic resources within the United States and it's territories. Ron has served as a U.S. Federal On Scene Coordinator representative for EPA Regions IV and VI.
Music Industry
With over 20 years of experience navigating the U.S. and Canadian music scenes, both as a musician and manager, Ron has witnessed and helped pioneer the seismic shifts that have rocked the industry. From the rise of digital distribution to the explosion of social media. Ron's popular career guidance manuals have now been updated and published worldwide.
Business Administration
As a proven administrator who has managed multiple simultaneous businesses for decades, Ron is an expert in critical thinking, technical, interpersonal and administrative skills. As a visionary technologist, he has a track record of bridging the gap between theory and practical, cost effective, application and implementation.
Data Analytics
Beginning with Lotus 123 in the 80s, Ron is an expert in data analysis with over 35 years experience analyzing big data. Using Microsoft Excel and Power Query and displaying results in Power BI, Ron has used his skills in everything from ensuring music royalties are paid fairly to emergency management planning and response.
Business Systems Development
Since the dawn of the software application age, Ron has been at the forefront of data driven business applications and has developed highly specialized and comprehensive schemas for the unique missions of non profits, government and the music industry. Ron currently develops applications that automate business processes.
Aircraft Pilot
Specializing in artist management and development, Ron has worked with music artists at all levels from around the world.
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